• WL001 - Waitlist

Sold / Waitlist REC-RA-NARANJA-001

Recovered Panels

  • WAITLIST - This fabric is sold out but we are always looking for more. Please join the waitlist to be notified of exact details as soon as panels are available.
  • Wonderful and original vintage ticking fabric in orange, grey and white stripes. It is a European fabric of cuti twill (from French "coutil") circa 1940. This piece, recovered and freshly washed, was part of a mattress cover. This fabric is made of medium weight cotton and a very dense fabric. Perfect textile for upholstery projects, cushions, bags, etc. Especially for those projects that need a sturdy fabric. The combination of these colors is very attractive. Grey neutralizes orange making an elegant combination.

    ROSARIO SAYS: "I love using the pieces of fabric that still retain the original tapes. I think that gives the projects a plus of authenticity."